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Single Region High Availability Lab

Step 9 - Extending this lab and Cleanup

Extending this lab

Want to have some more fun, how about:

  1. creating this using Linux VMs and NGINX instead of Windows and IIS
  2. deploying this to a second region and load balancing between the two regions with Traffic Manager
  3. writing a custom probe for the load balancer that checks the helth of other dependent resources
  4. deploy a database tier using SQL Server Availability Groups

Clean up

To clean up, just delete the entire Resource Group

az group delete --name $RG --yes --no-wait

Note the use of the --no-wait argument, this will start the deletion and let it run in the background so we don’t have to wait for it to complete.

Lab Navigation

  1. Overview
  2. Connect to the Azure Cloud Shell
  3. Select your subscription
  4. Create the Resource Group
  5. Create the Availability Set
  6. Create the first vm
  7. Create the second VM same as the first
  8. Add the load balancer
  9. Look Mom its magic
  10. Extending this lab and Cleanup <– you are here
  11. CLI commands Summary

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