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Single Region High Availability Lab

Step 5 - Create the first vm

Start by executing the command to create the VM itself. (This step will takes a few minutes to complete)

az vm create --name "Web01" --image "Win2016Datacenter" --resource-group $RG --availability-set "web-as" --location $REGION --size Standard_DS1_v2 --vnet-name "lab-vnet" --subnet "web-subnet" --admin-username "headgeek" --admin-password "AzureRocks2020("

Note: if you tripple click on the line above it will select the entire line, so you can copy and paste into the CLI.

This command created a bunch of resources for us (in the same order you should see them in the portal):

  1. a virtual network (VNET) and subnet for our VM to live in
  2. the VM itself
  3. a managed SSD Disk so that our VM has a place for its operating system
  4. a Network Security Group (NSG) allowing folks from the internet to get to our VM via Remote Desktop (RDP)
  5. a public ip address so that we can locate our VM on the internet
  6. a Network Interface Card (NIC) so our VM can talk to the network

Now that we have a VM we need to install IIS and deploy our website. Here we can use the Azure Desired State Configuration VM Extension to install IIS inside the VM and download a Simple Website into the VM. (This step will takes a few minutes to complete)

az vm extension set --name DSC --publisher Microsoft.Powershell --version 2.19 --vm-name "Web01" --resource-group $RG --settings '{"ModulesURL":"https://github.com/shawnweisfeld/FY18P20Labs/blob/master/AzureIaaS/SingleRegionHALab/assets/WebServerSetup.zip?raw=true", "configurationFunction": "WebServer01Setup.ps1\\WebServer" }'

Next, lets open up port 80 to allow web traffic

az vm open-port --port 80 --resource-group $RG --name "Web01"

At this time we have a running web application deployed to a single VM we have exposed to the internet. Lets take a look at it in our browser. To do so we will need the IP address of the VM. We can get that IP with the following command:

az vm list-ip-addresses --name Web01 --resource-group $RG --output table

Using the Public IP address from the prior step, open your web browser and navigate to your new website. You should see a blue website, with Web 01 written in the top left.

Lab Navigation

  1. Overview
  2. Connect to the Azure Cloud Shell
  3. Select your subscription
  4. Create the Resource Group
  5. Create the Availability Set
  6. Create the first vm <– you are here
  7. Create the second VM same as the first
  8. Add the load balancer
  9. Look Mom its magic
  10. Extending this lab and Cleanup
  11. CLI commands Summary

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