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Containers Orchestrator hands-on lab with Kubernetes

Hello-world on Kubernetes

From the Kubernetes Quick Start

To run a simple app on Kubernetes, we can use: kubectl run

Let us start by running a simple HTTP server: nginx. Nginix is a popular HTTP server, with a pre-built container on Docker hub. The kubectl run commands below will create two nginx replicas, listening on port 80, and a public IP address for your application.

kubectl run my-nginx --image=nginx --replicas=2 --port=80

The output should look like this

deployment "my-nginx" created

To expose your service to the public internet, use:

kubectl expose deployment my-nginx --target-port=80 --type=LoadBalancer

The output should look like this

service "my-nginx" exposed

You can see that they are running by:

Kubernetes will ensure that your application keeps running, by automatically restarting containers that fail, spreading containers across nodes, and recreating containers on new nodes when nodes fail.

To find the public IP address assigned to your application

kubectl get service my-nginx

The output should look like this

NAME         CLUSTER_IP       EXTERNAL_IP       PORT(S)                AGE
my-nginx          80/TCP                 8s

To kill the application and delete its containers and public IP address, do:

kubectl delete deployment,service my-nginx

The output should look like this

deployment "my-nginx" deleted
service "my-nginx" deleted

Lab Navigation

  1. Lab Overview
  2. Kubernetes Installation on Azure
  3. Hello-world on Kubernetes <– You are here
  4. Experimenting with Kubernetes Features
    1. Placement
    2. Reconciliation
    3. Rolling Updates
  5. Deploying a Pod and Service from a public repository
  6. Create Azure Container Service Repository (ACR)
  7. Enable OMS monitoring of containers
  8. Create and deploy into Kubernetes Namspaces

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