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Single Region High Availability Lab


In this lab we will:

  1. Deploy two Windows VMs and install IIS on each
  2. The VMs will be placed in an Availability Set to be in scope for the 99.95% VM SLA
  3. Each VMs will use Managed Storage
  4. An Azure Internet Facing Load balancer will be used to distribute web traffic between the VMs
  5. VMs will be placed inside a Virtual Network/Subnet with appropriate Network Security Groups to limit traffic.

This lab is based on the following article: Run load-balanced VMs for scalability and availability. NOTE: at the time of writing this lab the ARM template at the bottom of the article is broken.

This lab will take about 45 minutes to complete.

Lab Navigation

  1. Overview <– you are here
  2. Connect to the Azure Cloud Shell
  3. Select your subscription
  4. Create the Resource Group
  5. Create the Availability Set
  6. Create the first vm
  7. Create the second VM same as the first
  8. Add the load balancer
  9. Look Mom its magic
  10. Extending this lab and Cleanup
  11. CLI commands Summary

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Created at Microsoft by Shawn Weisfeld