Happy Face, Sad Face


The micro:bit itself is considered hardware. It is a physical piece of technology. In order to make use of hardware, we need to write software (otherwise known as “code” or computer programs). The software “tells” the hardware what to do, and in what order to do it using algorithms. Algorithms are sets of computer instructions.

In this activity, we will discover how to use the micro:bit buttons as input devices, and write code that will make something happen on the screen as output. We will also learn about pseudocode, the MakeCode tool, event handlers, and commenting code.


What do you want your program to do?

The first step in writing a computer program is to create a plan for what you want your program to do. Write out a detailed step-by-step plan for your program. Your plan should include what type of information your program will receive, how this input will be processed, what output your program will create and how the output will be recorded or presented. Your writing does not need to be written in complete sentences, nor include actual code. This kind of detailed writing is known as pseudocode. Pseudocode is like a detailed outline or rough draft of your program. Pseudocode is a mix of natural language and code.

For the program we will write, the pseudocode might look like this:

Event handlers

When you start a new project, there will be two blue blocks, ‘on start’ and ‘forever’ already in the coding workspace. These two blocks are event handlers.

In programming, an event is an action done by the user, such as pressing a key or clicking a mouse button. An event handler is a routine that responds to an event. A programmer can write code telling the computer what to do when an event occurs.

Getting Help in Microsoft MakeCode

Looking at our pseudocode, we want to make sure to start a program with a clear screen.

Save early, save often!

We now have a working program running on the micro:bit simulator! As you write your program, MakeCode will automatically compile and run your code on the simulator. The program doesn’t do much at this point, but before we make it more interesting, we should name our program and save it.

On the bottom left of the application window, to the right of the Download button, is a text box in which you can name your program. After naming your program, press the save button to save it. Save button

Important: Whenever you write a significant piece of code or just every few minutes, you should save your code. Giving your code a meaningful name will help you find it faster from a list of programs and will let others know what your program does.

Note: Programs saved in the browser window will go away if the browser is reset. To keep your programs forever, download the .hex files, to your computer. You can then upload the .hex files later to edit your program or copy them to your micro:bit.

More event handlers

Now to make our program a bit more interesting by adding two more event handlers.

Show LEDs

Now we can use our LED lights to display different images depending on what button the user presses.

Test your program!

Remember, MakeCode automatically compiles and runs your program, so all you need to do now is press button A and then button B in the simulator to see the output produced by your code.

Commenting your code

It is good practice to add comments to your code. Comments can be useful in a number of ways. Comments can help you remember what a certain block of code does and/or why you chose to program something the way you did. Comments also help others reading your code to understand these same things.

To comment a block of code:

Note: When you right-click on the icon that appears before the words on a block, notice that there are other options available to you that allow you to duplicate and delete blocks, as well as get help. Feel free to explore and use these as you code.

Cleaning up!

Clean up your coding workspace before you do a final save! What does this mean?

Save and download

Now that your code is running just fine in the simulator, is commented, and your coding window is ‘clean’, save your program, download it to your micro:bit, and enjoy!